Soundproof Panels
Paneles acústicos fonoabsorbentes

Our concrete sound-absorbing acoustic panels offer aerial noise reduction properties, reducing the direct transmission of noise on travel routes such as highways, railway lines and airports.
They consist of a sound-absorbing element, the main role of which is to enhance the acoustic properties of the concrete panel, and a structural element whose role is to withstand the force of the wind and handling efforts which the element must support throughout its useful life span, as well as keeping the acoustic elements in their proper position.
The advantage of sound-absorbing acoustic panels compared with other types of barriers made of different materials is their greater durability, their ability to work satisfactorily against aggressive physical and chemical action throughout the structure′s life span, and zero maintenance.
We also supply concrete bases without acoustic properties for aesthetic purposes, generally for placement at the bottom of the panel.
We offer a wide range of possible sizes, colors, customized aesthetic designs, etc.
We possess the CE distinction for parts with acoustic properties in accordance with applicable harmonized standard UNE-EN 14388.